It’s undeniable that Americans are thirsty for instant, right here-right now gratification and it’s important to note that ability to stream or download movies make up a huge part of that desire and fulfills those needs we possess. Family’s all over the word use the form of a movie as medium to bring a family together. When going to a movie theater, while it may bring the family together, actual conversation does not usually take place within the theater itself because of common courtesy and respect for those watching the film around them. With these new forms of technology, it not only brings the families together more often, for less money and because these forms of media are viewed within the homes of the family it can create conversation during the movie because it gives the ability to stop and pause the movie at will if there are questions about what happened or to explain a scene to little ones in the family. It is traditions like these that can tighten the bond of families and bring them closer together.
All around the world people have countless memories of the movies they’ve watched and enjoyed over the years, many as family outings. Laugh lines have been carved out in the faces of some as well as deep wrinkles in foreheads caused by those movies that left them thinking “What the heck was that?” These are all priceless memories that have been built with the loves ones they are surrounded by. Something as simple as an enjoyable comedy can have a family reminiscing about the hilarious moments for many years. Serious and heartfelt conversation can also build after viewing a more thought-provoking film that brings members of the family closer together as they work in unison to understand a certain part of the film or while the parents explain a death or confusing scene to their younger children who may have a hard time comprehending without the help of their parents or older siblings.
The movie-going experience has typically been considered an expensive one whether it was the weekly trip to the movie theater with a family of four or the more reasonably priced trip to the brick and mortar Blockbuster video store to pick up the newest release as a two-day rental or purchasing the film to own. Regardless of how a family may choose to do partake in their family movie night, it often times cost a fortune. It is where these new technologies of instant, on-demand downloads and movie-streaming capabilities really hit it home in the heart of today’s modern family. Services such as Netflix give a family of any size, the ability to rent or instantly stream an unlimited amount of movies for a monthly price that is typically around the same price as just two tickets to a movie showing in a nearby theater. These services can be paused or stopped which also gives a great intermission to discuss what has taken place thus far. In the essay “This Is How We Live” by Ellen DeGeneres, she writes, “Everyone likes to talk about how advancements in technology will change the way we live forever. Frankly, I think modern technology is hurting us” (638). While an outing to the local cinema can be very memorable and bring families closer together it can break the bank at over ten dollars each for a movie ticket and nearly the same price for a tub of popcorn, which may not even feed the entire family. With the economy in the dire state that it is in, families are flocking to services like these so that the family movie night can continue to exist and keep the family bond that these nights create.
The bonds that are created in the traditional family movie night may not necessarily come from within the movie-viewing itself. Often, dinner before or after the film is also considered part of the tradition and is yet another opportunity for a family to sit down and talk about their day, their problems and usually the movie they’ve just watched or are about to watch. The movie is a conversation starter; and a plethora of topics can be talked about within the family ranging in all-ages from the adults, down to the toddlers who may have had their pick of “Toy Story” as the movie of the night. Regardless of the movie, something can be taken from each film and the conversation that it can carry does nothing more but help build strong bonds within the family’s and create feelings of togetherness.
Modern technology can definitely bring people a part and could hurt us, like DeGeneres wrote in her essay, however, when used properly and not abused, innovations from companies like Netflix and RedBox can certainly build families and keep the closer together. These inventions have brought the cost of viewing films down so drastically that a once-a-month movie night can now be once-a-week or more. In addition to the price being so low for said services, the fact that the services are now instant and very easy to use – it takes the hassle out of planning an outing in the car, paying for gas, and actually driving to the local theater. It’s as simple as a few clicks on the remote or computer that can have families gathered around; creating life-long memories that will be remembered for the rest of their lives – all while in their pajamas on their favorite couch or chair, and with the toddler’s favorite stuffed teddy bear. Langdon Winner, author of “Technological Somnambulism” writes, “Technologies are not merely aids to human activity, but also powerful forces acting to reshape that activity” (645). It is without question that the convenience of modern innovations and technology can definitely improve a family’s quality of life and create many more opportunities to build lasting relationships.
Works Cited
DeGeneres, Ellen. "This Is How We Live." Remix Ed. Catherine G. Latterell.
2nd ed. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2010. Print. 638-42
Winner, Langdon. “Technological Somnambulism.” Remix Ed. Catherine G. Latterell.
2nd ed. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2010. Print. 644-49.
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